Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Wisdom is painful

Dammit - make the pain stop. Bottom right wisdom tooth trying to make an appearance and each day the pain gets more intense. I am even considering booking an appointment with the dentist (a person who I am very scared of with his mouth torture instruments). I got to work this morning and ransacked my drawer to try and find some paracetomol - luckily I had some and that took the edge of slightly. No wonder babies are so miserable when they're teething....

At last, I have finally found the time to update my blog. Not that there's much to update mind. Life is still sucky....

Although I am addicted to Celeb Big Bro (sad I know) - there's something about seeing Dennis Rodman and George "The Snake" Galloway prance about in lycra, all-in-one body suits. It really is a treat for the eyes.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

EZ is the man

Last Friday night we went to Classics at Palais to see EZ - seriously the best dj in the world. If only I could do half the things that he can do on the decks, not to mention what he can do with the DJM Sampler. He's one of my gods. We should all worship at his altar...we are not worthy.

Where did all my time go.....?

I don't seem to have any time to procrastinate anymore...every where I turn there is more work for me to do and I can't get out of it. Oh to be able to actually update my blog on my adventures in Jamaica. I may just have to let the photos speak for themselves.

It's also kind of amusing that when you spell check, the word blog comes up and they want to replace it with "bloc". Hmmm.

Monday, December 12, 2005


I've now been back for almost exactly one week. And I still can't adjust to the cold let alone find time to update my poor, neglected blog. Ah well, such is life. After 2 weeks on the beautiful island of Jamaica, it is a complete shock to my system to be rudely thrown back into everyday life at freezing temperatures.

But Jamaica - what a place. 10 hour flight dragged by but I was pleasantly surprised at the ease of the immigration process and how quickly our luggage arrived. Once out of the airport we were "helped" by a very friendly porter who welcomed us to JA and carried our luggage to the coach for us. He then stood very close looking at us expectantly while spence fiddled with the money trying to sort out a tip. He gave $200JA which is roughly £2 - not bad for a couple of minutes work. "Well, if that's all you can afford", was the response for the increasingly less friendly porter. Charming. However, it was an indication of times to come as it became obvious that the initial "friendliness" of the native Jamaicans was merely an attempt to wheedle money out of naive tourists. It is very much a country where people will be overly friendly and helpful, but only because they expect something in return. I realise that I sound cynical but there's only so much false cameraderie that I can bear.

We reached Falcon Cottages just under 2 hours later, unloaded our suitcases and went into the office to check in. The office was tiny and there was only one staff member there to check in about 10 of us. Slowly the word spread that they hadn't been expecting as many people as had turned up - luckily we were some of the expected so we settled in to our rooms and got some dinner from the restaurant. Then Babs crashed out and the rest of us decided to go with Marlon (Mr Driver Man) to Alfreds. Got some HYDRO and couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the night. Even after we got back to our room someone came to knock on the door to check that we were ok coz we'd been laughing so loudly for so long.

The rest of the holiday passed by in a blur (or should I say a purple haze). It was uncannily like the Philippines so I felt relatively at home but you did constantly have to be on guard as there were some seriously dodgy people around. One guy came up to spence on the second night sounding very proud of the fact that he had just been released from prison for raping a tourist in a holiday resort. He then asked spence to bring some drugs home in his stomach for him. Needless to say we beat a hasty retreat. Unfortunately, we kept bumping into the same guy wherever we went as well as several other dodgy guys. One of them was a huge, walking slime ball - literally every word that came out of his mouth was a line. When I told him I was with my boyfriend he paused for a split second and then carried on, asking me to run off to the mountains with him. Example of his lines:

You have beautiful hair - do you use a special shampoo? You have beautiful skin - do you use a special lotion? You have beautiful teeth - do you use special toothpaste.

All in one go just like that. It was all I could do not to piss myself laughing in front of him.

So much to write about and so little time. I'll have to continue tomorrow.....

Friday, November 18, 2005

Quote of the Day

Reading my book on the way to work this morning and a quote caught my eye:

"Man needs what's worst in him in order to achieve what's best in him."

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday marked the six year anniversary of when Spencer and I got together. I can hardly believe that we've been together for so long. We only just celebrated our 5th anniversary and before I know it, the day of the year rolled around yet again. We decided to have a quiet night in as we're going away on Sunday morning and are going out on the Friday and Saturday nights. Gotta have some spending money to take away.

So I got home from work to be welcomed by a letter from Mother dearest. Really no love lost there. She tried not to be too abusive as I told her that I've informed the police about her letters and will use them all as evidence against her in the event of a court case. She still couldn't resist calling me an "ungrateful, evil creature". True say I've never said thanks for all she's done for me - homeless at 18, severe depression, self harming, self-doubt and an incredibly skewed view of the world....thanks ma - you're the greatest. But I digress. She told me to start proceedings and take her to court as James doesn't want to see me. She also said that she doesn't influence his decisions, she merely presents him with the facts and he makes up his own mind about things. But as anyone who knows her will agree, her opinions and views are often very different to that of your average person. She also randomly said that I have commited fraud. I have no idea what she is talking about which is even more worrying as she is now inventing things in her head. It would be interesting to see the "evidence" she has for this...maybe I could sue her for Libel as well. Or is it slander? Anyway, she's given me the green light to drag her through the courts. Families are way too much hassle.

Then my bubs came home with a big bouquet of long stemmed lillies. The boy really is an angel and I don't know where I would be without him.

Walk Down Memory Lane

Had the day off on Wednesday and in the evening I met up with the Godmother for some drinks. Not my actual Godmother mind - I mean Godmother in the Mafia sense of the word. Back in the old BK days she was our Don and masterminded all of our activities - I wonder how Melissa is these days (in joke for the BK peeps).

We met up in Richmond but as we couldn't find a parking space anywhere (seriously - Wednesday evening - what's going on?) we decided to drive down to Chiswick for a few drinks there. Out came the photos from Ian's leaving do in 1998 at the Crown & Anchor....lovely pictures of when most of us were around 16/17. How time flies - it doesn't seem like 7 (OMG) years ago and I certainly don't feel 7 years older. Don't think I've matured that much either...oh dear. Gotta get some copies of a few of those pics purely for the amusement factor.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Excitement and Venom

Wow - my first ever blog. My friend is a blog veteran and has been trying to convince me set up my own one for a while now. I've been debating - the main reason against it was wondering who on earth would bother to read it. I've concluded that it is easier than constantly emailing everyone the same info - why not just direct them to my shiny new blogspot instead (this one is just for you Hannie).

There's only 4.5 days and counting until my holiday. Jetting off to Jamaica on Sunday morning at 10.30am from gatwick and I am unbelievably excited. I ordered my local currency and travellers cheques an hour ago and they will be ready for me to pick up from my local branch tomorrow. Talk about fast service. And it's all commission free. I am a big fan of Lloyds TSB at the moment - it helped that I wasn't put through to India like usual as I occasionally have trouble understanding the heavy accents. I might do a survey of the amount of times I say "excuse me" next time...

Now all that is left for me to do is sort out the books that I'm going to take to read on the beach while I'm lying in the sun (hah) and pack. I think I will leave the latter until Saturday afternoon when my beloved will be at work. There is nothing more annoying than not being able to move freely around the room just in case I obscure the view of FIFA 2006 on the tv. Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to fit all of the toiletries that I've bought into my new, pink suitcase. I've been told to dress in matching pink clothes - chav anyone??!

So that's the excitement part. Here's the venom. I wrote my mum a bitch of a letter last night. Basically telling her that I've consulted a whole load of "legal professional" who all concur that she is influencing my brother's decisions and that unless he agrees to see me tomorrow, I will start court proceedings against her. Spencer thinks that the letter gives her a taste of her own medicine and that she will be shitting herself from the moment she reads it. Hopefully it will have the desired effect but we'll have to see...I'll post the outcome in the next installment. My life is starting to feel like an episode of Sunset Beach....