Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Wisdom is painful

Dammit - make the pain stop. Bottom right wisdom tooth trying to make an appearance and each day the pain gets more intense. I am even considering booking an appointment with the dentist (a person who I am very scared of with his mouth torture instruments). I got to work this morning and ransacked my drawer to try and find some paracetomol - luckily I had some and that took the edge of slightly. No wonder babies are so miserable when they're teething....

At last, I have finally found the time to update my blog. Not that there's much to update mind. Life is still sucky....

Although I am addicted to Celeb Big Bro (sad I know) - there's something about seeing Dennis Rodman and George "The Snake" Galloway prance about in lycra, all-in-one body suits. It really is a treat for the eyes.